
The Organization Settings model supports all Model (opens new window) operations plus the following:

# Public Properties

All of the standard Model (opens new window) public properties are available plus the following:

Property Type Description
defaultState string (opens new window), null (opens new window) The organization's default state

# Public Methods

All of the standard Model (opens new window) public methods are available plus the following:

# getFieldLayoutId()

Returns: [integer]

# getFieldLayout()

Returns: Field Layout (opens new window)

# hasStates()

Returns: boolean (opens new window)

# getStates()

Returns: string[] (opens new window)

# isSiteEnabled( int $siteId = null )

Returns: boolean (opens new window)

Argument Accepts Description
$siteId [integer], null (opens new window) The Site (opens new window) Id. If null the primary site Id is used.

# getEnabledSiteIds()

Returns: integer[] (opens new window)